PwC to Team Up with eCOGRA

Added on February 24, 2025, in Press Release by Gambling Gurus

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PwC to Team Up with eCOGRA

Agreement will enhance vulnerability and penetration testing

London, 14 August 2014 – The independent online gaming testing and accreditation agency eCOGRA is to widen and enhance its information security services to operator and software supplier clients in Europe following an alliance agreement with global services firm PwC.

Announcing the agreement this week, eCOGRA CEO Andrew Beveridge said that whilst his organisation has extensive experience in carrying out information security reviews for both online gaming operators and software suppliers, and is qualified to assess compliance against the security requirements for various European online gaming regulatory jurisdictions, it has not traditionally performed in-depth vulnerability and penetration testing.

“This agreement enables us to extend this service to our clients through the specialised and highly effective expertise of PwC in this area,” he said.

“We understand the value of our clients’ investment in information security, and by collaborating with PwC in this area, our customers will have increased access to the latest knowledge on emerging risks relating to current levels of security protection.”

PwC worked extensively with eCOGRA when the organisation was launched in 2003, Beveridge said, adding “We are now very pleased to be collaborating with PwC again in this capacity.”

About eCOGRA

Founded in 2003 to set and improve operational standards and player safety in the online gaming space, eCOGRA has amassed a wealth of experience in implementing international best practice standards and requirements and ensuring these are maintained through regular review and monitoring.

Over 200 of the most established and successful internet gaming websites are accredited and policed by the independent, London-based company, which is staffed by professional auditors with Big 4 auditing firm experience, information system experts and responsible gambling specialists.

The company is an accredited testing agency with several jurisdictions, and has been awarded the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) ISO approval ISO/IEC 17025:2005 : General Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. This accreditation is one of the quality assurance requirements for approval as a testing agency in various European online gaming licensing jurisdictions.

About PwC’s Cyber Security Practice

PwC has around 100 professionals specialising in cyber security advising businesses on issues ranging from threat intelligence, detection and prevention to regulation, legal matters and the broader impact of breaches on business performance including people and culture. In addition there are a further 400 professionals who support the cyber security practice and provide broader IT risk assurance services including security.

About PwC

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